Centerstone Recovery Center Team
Mental Health Professional/Team
"The Centerstone Recovery Centers (CRC's) represent three 28 day residential treatment centers (Lexington IN 21 bed women, Bloomington IN 12 bed men, and Richmond IN 16 bed men) for individuals with substance use and co-occurring disorders. The CRC's stayed open during the COVID 19 pandemic. The essential workers remained dedicated to providing life saving care to individuals through out Indiana who were suffering from active addiction. The staff at the CRC were not only tasked with continuing to provide face to face care but they also implemented risk management strategies to reduce the spread of COVID19 at each facility. This was a very stressful time for everyone in the world however, in many ways behavioral health care providers were forgotten as the world spoke of essential workers. The CRC team came to work everyday even in the face of a global pandemic. Centerstone continued to admit individuals at a rapid rate who desperately needed treatment, in fact we seen an increase in the number of individuals who needed treatment during this time. I can not say enough about the brave, passionate, purpose driven staff at the CRC's. They overcame their own fear to help those in need. As many staff adjusted to working at home, the CRC team adjusted to their new normal of temperature checks, health screens, wearing masks, and social distancing at work. I want to close with a quote "In action breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit at home and think about it. Go out and get busy." Dale Carnegie. The CRC team was busy saving lives every day!"