Brandi Moran

Recovery Coach of the Year

Brandi has been a case manager at Wheeler MIssion in their Higher Ground recovery program since 2015. She is a certified recovery coach, recovery coach specialist, recovery coach trainer, and a community health worker. Brandi is also a person in long term recovery herself and has been for 9 years. Brandi is not just a person in recovery at Wheeler Mission though she is also a graduate of the program she manages. Brandi’s testimony gives people with substance use disorder hope. She has an immense amount of empathy for the women she serves because she has been and is still walking out the journey they are embarking on. Being a case manager at a Wheeler is not just a job for Brandi it is an integral part of her everyday life. Along with her immense dedication to her position, she is also a student at Ivy Tech pursuing her associates in Human Services. Brandi is mother to four amazing children and she and her husband just welcomed their first grandbaby, Able this past June who holds the key to her heart. If you ask her how she manages to balance her life she attributes all of her success to God. .She has a true passion for where God has placed her which is evident in her interactions with the peers she is serving. Her love and dedication to these women is nothing short of amazing. She is truly saving lives every day and her impact on the recovery community as a whole is an inspiration to everyone she comes in contact with. Some word’s people she serves use to describe her are inspiring, trustworthy, reliable, loving, strong, encouraging. Brandi has been blessed with a servant’s heart and a level of commitment that is unparalleled.