Mallori DeSalle
Mental Health Professional
Mallori DeSalle is the current SBIRT Program Manager and Research Associate for Prevention Insights at Indiana University in Bloomington. For 10 years Mallori has worked tirelessly to implement SBIRT (Screening Brief Intervention and Referral for Treatment) in Indiana. This is a Nationally recognized Evidence Based Practice to identify persons who are at risk of having a substance use disorder in primary health care settings. In addition to identifying SUD risk, efforts are made to identify depression risks as well. What makes her efforts unique is the implementation in health care facilities around Indiana. Her efforts involve training of healthcare providers, implementation, and involvement in research of outcomes in some cases. The training includes the facilitation of learning of Motivational Interviewing (MI). In addition to training healthcare providers, she has trained countless Behavioral Health Professionals in MI to improve outcomes. With Covide 19 the training needed to be virtual. She has, along with her colleagues, completed a major virtual training effort for DMHA. Her efforts do not stop there. She has been training Certified Prevention Specialists for years. She has taught classes at IU and assisted students with counseling. She in actively involved in Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers and has been on the Planning Committee for the International Forum for 3 years. Mallori has an interest in humor and the benefits of humor on mental health. To that end, she has developed a strengths based tool that combines laughter/humor with Affirmations ( MI skill). While there is so much more, she is also active with her family with 3 children.