Fayette County Harm Reduction Alliance
Consumer Advocate
The Fayette County Harm Reduction Alliance is a collaboartive effort of Indiana State Department of Health, IU prevention insights, Reid Health Meridian Mental Health and Family Services and Prevention Programs. The team implemented a new syringe service program in Fayette County January 22, 2020 . Since then work has been published in Kaiser Health News bringing awareness Nationwide to syringe service programs and naloxone distrubution. Through the SSP there has been more than 350 reported reversals of Narcan used by participants. The program offers various linkages to servces but the main goal is to provide a stigma free enviorment while supporting all pathways to recovery focusing on meeting people right where they are at. The successes have been amazing considering the barriers that COVID 19 presented. We went to the streets providing harm reduction care, coordination, strile syringes, safe sex supplies and Naloxone and training through bicycle deliveries and setting up a tent. The program sucesses have been remarakable