Schizophrenia is one of the most severe and disabling diseases facing mankind. It begins early in life, typically late teens and early twenties, and then often follows a downward course which progresses into a life-long illness marked by untold personal suffering. There is a growing body of clinical and research data suggesting that treatments initiated early in the course of illness of schizophrenia have the possibility of altering the long term course and improving outcomes. This has led us to establish the Prevention and Recovery Center for Early Psychosis (PARC) at Midtown-Eskenazi Health which is a clinical, research, and training program for young people who are in the earliest stages of schizophrenia. The “holy grail” of future therapeutics for schizophrenia is to identify at-risk individuals prior to the onset of the illness so that treatment may be initiated before schizophrenia starts in order to prevent its onset and subsequent progression. This concept has only recently become a real possibility due to new advances in the early detection of individuals who are at clinical high risk (CHR) for schizophrenia. PARC has established a CHR treatment and research program termed PARC iCARE. In this presentation, CHR will be described and treatments for this condition will be reviewed.