Full Name
Alan Breier
Job Title
Professor of Psychiatry
IU School of Medicine
Speaker Bio
Alan Breier, MD is the Indiana University Mental Health Research and Education Senior Professor of Psychiatry, Vice-Chair for Clinical Research and Director of the Prevention and Recovery Program for Early Stage Psychosis at Indiana University School of Medicine. Dr. Breier’s career long focus has been the pathophysiology of schizophrenia and the development innovative treatments for this illness. He trained in psychiatry at Yale University School of Medicine and was a medical research fellow in the Clinical Neuroscience Branch, NIMH IRP. He was chief of the Outpatient Research Program at the Maryland Psychiatric Research Center, and tenured scientist and chief of the Section on Clinical Studies at NIMH IRP. In addition, Dr. Breier was head of the Zyprexa Product Team with global clinical development and regulatory responsibilities for Zyprexa, and Vice President and Chief Medical Officer all at Eli Lilly and Company. Currently, he is Co-PI of a NIH Human Connectome brain imaging project focus on mapping novel brain circuits in early stage psychosis and PI of a NIMH EPINET project that is comprised of a network of 6 academic sites (Vanderbilt, Northwestern, Michigan, Rochester, Tulane and IUSM) linked to a central hub in Indianapolis focused on improving care for patients with first episode schizophrenia. Dr. Breier has been recipient of several awards and has published over 270 scientific papers.
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